Alpha PDFM 100 is a new Pre-Digested Fishmeal to hit the market over the last couple of years.
This PDFM is a serious rival to CPSP90, with a greater degree of Solubility (100%) and an excellent digestibility of 96%+. The Molecular Weight of Alpha PDFM is 87% below <1000 Daltons of which 73% is below <500 Daltons.
During our trials we have achieved very consistent results at a Dosage of 5% with room for higher dosages if required depending on other soluble(s) used within your mix.
Suitable for all year round use.
Recommended levels are up to 10% of your total mix, however consideration needs to be given to other solubles used within your mix, you can go higher though it is suggested the addition of our Premium CLO will assist in the absorbing and rolling of your bait.
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